Introducing: The Mike Koenigs Superpower Accelerator Experience...
“What If The REAL Way to Make Your
Dreams Come True Doesn’t Depend on
More Ideas or Harder Work?”
“Mike is an extraordinary man. He’s brought me insights on how to reach people on the Internet that are so valuable. This is a man you should deal with. Take advantage of what he has to offer.”
-Tony Robbins
World Authority on Leadership Psychology and the nation’s #1 Life and Business Strategist
Dear Friend,
Have you ever been involved with a mastermind group, business coaching, personal or business growth, Vistage, EO, YPO or something similar…
… And did being involved in one of those programs chew-up a lot of your time and money, only to produce stacks-upon-stacks of “great ideas” and notes in notebooks, but no significant progress or lasting change?
If so, then this will be the most important letter you’ll ever read.
Here’s why.
My name is Mike Koenigs, and I’m about to tell you about a life transforming experience...
Something unlike anything you've ever seen or done… that will once and for all “move the needle” in every area of your life.
Yeah, I know...that’s a pretty bold promise!
But by the time you’re done reading this letter, you’ll see that it’s true.
Because I’m about to reveal exactly how you can accelerate and expand your personal and professional results… how to optimize your productivity, your efficiency...and easily clarify your vision for yourself so you can profit big, live life to the fullest, and make a massive impact in the world.
And while the experience I’m going to share with you might have a few similarities to personal development, business growth training...or even high-level mastermind groups, it is completely unlike anything else currently any price!
But before I share with you what it is, I want to share a conversation I had a few days ago with my wife, Vivian.
We had just gotten the news that one of our good friends lost their mother.
Obviously, this made us terribly sad for our friends.
But the thing that hit us the hardest, was knowing that she (the mother) was our age… in fact, she was only a year older than Vivian.
As that began to sink in, something strange started to happen.
My mind became flooded by images of other people we had recently lost.
Some were close friends, some were just acquaintances, others we hardly knew at all.
I began to think about people in my personal and business circles who had recently lost loved ones, and to be honest…it shook me up.
That’s when I asked the question I think we all ask at some point....
“Um, is this all there is?”
The truth of how finite my time on this planet is - hit me hard... and a stampede of questions raced through my brain…
“Am I sure that the place I’m at in life now is where I want to be?”
Am I doing what I want to be doing…am I doing what I should be doing…and doing it for the right reasons?
But it didn’t stop there.
The “am I enough” fear hit me.
Is this enough? Am I contributing enough? Am I living enough?
These are NOT questions I wrestle with on a regular basis.
As you may know, I’ve built and sold four companies.
For the past 15 years, I’ve been working with small business owners and sharing what I’ve learned to help them succeed.
Hell, I even beat cancer six years ago, which instilled in me the desire to make the most of the time I do have.
In those six years, I grew leaps and bounds. I built “You Everywhere Now” into a super successful brand that helped tens of thousands of people to build their businesses and their own brands. Thousands launched businesses and reinvented themselves. Over 1,800 people became bestselling authors - here’s a photo of one of the many groups with their books:
And I worked with some of the most well known, successful celebrities and influencers on the planet.
Here’s what just a few of them have to say about me…
"Mike Koenigs is a total badass. He's one of my trusted advisors and an early stage investor who I rely on for cutting-edge marketing and business advice.
Whenever you have a chance to put him on your stage, do it. He knows how to inspire, motivate and engage an audience."
"Mike Koenigs is a master of helping transformational entrepreneurs like me go out, get our message out to the world, and then give us the tools so we can go change lives and be role models to change everyone's lives."
“Wow! Just Wow! I love Mike’s heart, his openness and authenticity. In our first meeting, Mike gave me a clear vision of how I could grow my platform and own it.
As performers and talent, we don’t have access to our audience and Mike showed me a clear way to build and monetize in a way that had never been explained to me before.
He’s a technical, marketing and strategic visionary who knows what to do and how to get it done. He’s cute too!”
"Amplify, amplify, amplify! That’s Mike in a nutshell.
He’s a passionate creative genius that can help any entrepreneur turn their vision into reality quickly by combining business, technology, marketing, media and platform.
He inspires and motivates me in every episode of our Capability Amplifier podcast."
-DAN SULLIVAN, founder and CEO Strategic Coach
“Mike Koenigs is the “Doc” Brown of marketing automation and technology.
One question or problem unlocks his brain and 20 to 30 ingenious ideas pour out of it. One idea grew my database from 30,000 to 800,000 in 14 months. Another one contributed to a product launch that generated a million dollars in three days.
Most recently another contributed to a marketing automation process that is now generating $250,00 a week. Mike Koenigs is a brilliant marketing genius that can make you money!
-Darren Hardy
Founding Publisher/Editor SUCCESS magazine and Mentor to CEOs and High-Performance Achievers
“Mike can make you a lot of money. Mike is a ninja with marketing strategies.
He has so much insight and has overcome impossible odds that he can share with any audience.”
- JOE POLISH, Founder Genius Network
“It’s incredibly rare to find someone who understands both marketing AND technology – and Mike Koenigs is one of those people.
He not only knows how to create killer video that sells products like crazy, Mike is one of our modern marketing geniuses…”
-Eben Pagan
"There are those who lead and those who follow and then there are trend creators.
Mike is a true leader who uses his creative genius and relentless pursuit of new frontiers and technologies to change the landscape of what is possible and usable in today’s crazy, ever-changing business landscape.”
-John Assaraf
NY Times Bestselling Author, CEO
“There are very few visionaries who can truly predict the future and pluck from thin air the next big thing, not just once, but time after time - Tom Peters, Faith Popcorn, Sean Parker.
Mike Koenigs breathes that rarified air. Mike not only sees the future, he monetizes it. I’ve seen Mike take his vision and turn it into a successful million dollars plus business in less than 100 days eleven times!
Whether he is teaching based on actual results (not theory), simplifying complex systems into digestible bites, extracting the genius from interviews with the most interesting people in the world or selling millions in front of the camera, I can think of no one better equipped to share with you the actionable knowledge Mike has distilled into his latest book.”
-Roland Frasier - CEO, All Channels Media
As impressive as some of those testimonials might be, deep inside I was looking for more to life, and I started to notice the nagging in my conscious January 2018.
And this is the first time I've really openly talked about it…
I distinctly remember it was January 7th, 2018. I woke up one day and the reality of my own mortality sunk in. I knew I had to change my life in a big way.
Sure, I survived cancer… was accomplishing a lot…was helping others. But life felt out of balance and time was ticking. I wasn't as comfortable in my own skin as I wanted to be.
My physical fitness wasn't where I wanted it to be.
My relationship with my wife wasn't where I wanted it to be.
My relationships with the most important people in my life were not where I wanted them to be.
I don't know how else to say it, but it was like...
My Soul Hurt and I Didn't Feel Free!!!
In a way, I had outgrown who I was.
What I was doing
Who I was doing it for
Why I was doing it
My “big why” and my “how” had changed - BUT my BEing been changing with them.
I needed reinvention.
So, I made a massive commitment to wipe the slate clean.
To rethink and reinvent myself.
I asked for help and accessed every resource, strategy and tool I had access to.
I got in the best physical shape of my life…
I fell in love again with my wife of 18 years - it was like we’re newlyweds and got my marriage in the best
place it could be…
Not only did I focus on my role as a husband and became very intentional about my time with Vivian, I also focused on who I was as a father and the leader of my family.
To be totally authentic and transparent with you, that song by Harry Chapin, “The Cat’s in the Cradle“ haunted me for years. It’s about a father who doesn’t take time for his son and how his son becomes just like him and doesn’t have time for his dad when he’s older.
I didn’t want to be that father who worked the way through my only child‘s years.
So I became diligent about individual “father and son time” with my boy Zak, and our time together as a family.
Here we are as a family on the edge of the Nile river in Uganda a few months ago
As for my work, well...I changed that too. I committed myself to doing deeper work…work where I could get paid for who I was being, instead of what I was doing.
And the more I talked about it, the more people just raised their hands and said;
“That's what I want too!
Will you show me how you're doing it?”
So, in the second quarter of 2018, I started preaching what I was practicing… and guiding other people through that same process of how reinvent themselves and their lives, AND also get paid for who they are versus what they do.
And after a while, I woke up one morning and realized I was a far different person than the one who’s soul hurt.
My body was healthy and in the best shape of my life. My relationships were solid.
My soul was happy. My energetics were clear. My life was exciting and adventurous again.
And I made a bold decision to make Superpower-Ness my next chapter in life.
I sold my 4th company to someone I liked and respected so I could focus on true transformation.
I felt like I’d transformed from being paid for doing, to being supported for being.
I FINALLY felt good about where I was at and what the year had brought me.
From This Clearer Place, I Could Finally See
Why My Soul Had Hurt So Badly.
Look - I’m not complaining. On the surface, things were good.
But the reality is, I had been living in chaos, staying busy doing what I thought I had to do in order to survive and to thrive, trying to stay ahead of a fear that something bad would happen if I didn’t. Old traumas that I wasn’t aware of fully.
My gut tells me you might... just.... know... what that is like.
It’s the fear “that maybe your past successes were accidents or luck.”
The fear that “if you don’t keep busting your hump 24/7, you’ll run out of money.”
The fear that “you won’t be able to repeat your successes again.”
But the biggest fear for me was if I changed what I did - I'd be abandoned.
And like any toxic behavior, that fear had not only been hurting me, it had been hurting those around me.
See, what you don’t know about me, is that I grew up in chaos, so in hindsight, it’s no wonder that chaos was my particular challenge to overcome.
Then Came My New Year’s “Renovation”
Yes, I do mean renovation. (I stopped making resolutions a long time ago). I wanted my life in 2019 to look completely different than it had in the years before.
I knew that my joy and pleasure comes from helping others align to their own deepest Soul Purpose, to overcome their own deepest challenges, and to experience themselves as a healthy, wealthy person living limitless and being supported for just BEING who they truly are.
I imagined the best way to make that happen, was to teach my reinvention process in a group setting, but to do it in a much more personal way than anyone had ever done before.
I took stock of the things I had participated in over the years, to grow and scale my life and business...things like the groups and coaching...everything I mentioned at the beginning of this letter.
You know what I’ve done some of the same kinds of things too.
Well, if you’re anything like me, the second you join your typical "group", you have certain expectations:
You expect to learn.
You expect to get answers to your tough questions.
You expect to 2x, 3x, or 10x what you’ve already been able to do.
You expect to meet “Power-Connectors” who can help make the journey easier.
You expect the leader to have solutions to your problems.
You expect to get tools to help you reimagine your business and life in ways you wouldn’t figure out if left to your own devices.
The trouble is, having expectations has very little to do with what you actually get!
Do You Really Have Time or Money to Waste
On Experiences That Don't Produce the Results You Want?
Hell no!
None of us do.
But, often the sad reality of attending a group is as long as you can afford the “cost of admission” you’re allowed in, whether it’s the right place for you or not!
I think that’s counterproductive.
After All...the WRONG Group
Can’t Give you the RIGHT Help.
Here’s an example of a typical message I often receive from successful people who don’t think they’re successful because they’re getting the WRONG kind of help...
(The good news is after a single conversation, I got this entrepreneur on track in 30 minutes with a solution - clarity, confidence and courage).
Here’s another example - I spent 45 minutes with a new advisory client last week - and look at what happened 24 hours later:
NOTE: Prior to our conversation he was charging $1,500 per year - 24 hours later he raised his prices to $10,000 and enrolled two people at the new price with a combination of the “Superpower” language patterns I taught him to use internally and with his prospects!
Want to see some more?
Of course you do.
The following message came from a current advisory client I’m working with. The first time we spent a day together, he upped his game and sold an $80 MILLION dollar opportunity to a prospect 48 hours after we got together.
Check out this message he sent to me just three months after that huge win:
I’m going to repeat what happened here… He went from a respectable $100 million in annual revenue to closing an $80 million dollar deal 48 hours after we met. Now he’s at a “run rate” of $1 BILLION in sales for 2019.
(Now, of course... and in full disclosure I’m not suggesting, promising, claiming, or thinking you’ll get the same results or any results at all. I do have to mention this to remain compliant with FTC regulations and there’s appropriate legal stuff at the bottom of this page).